Full Stack Web Developer
n.niosco@gmail.com GitHub LinkedIn
Software Engineer
November 2018 - Present
Building and testing a classification system to create recommendations for users based on their spending habits. In addition, I developed and am currently maintaining a Golang API wrapper used by clients to integrate our API with their product.
Computer Programmer II
City and County of Honolulu
February 2018 - October 2018
I worked with a team to design and develop web applications based in the MEAN stack. Responsibilities included meeting with users to gather requirements, working as a team to design and develop, creating a user training guide, and documenting the application. Assisted my team with transitioning a COBOL application to Javascript.
Teaching Assistant
January 2018 - October 2018
As a Teaching Assistant, I helped students learn the basics of Javascript, HTML, CSS, Git/GitHub, and NodeJS. This ranged from one-on-one guidance with assignments to full class presentations on important and relevant topics.
August 2018
Participated in the 2018 Twitch Hackalong with a team that built a Game Bot for Discord. The bot listens for user commands and performs actions if the commands are valid. It leverages the Discord Bot API and was built in under 15 hours.

The game is based on the classic Hot Potato game. Players pass the ignited Botato to each other. If the Botato "blows up", the user "dies" and the game ends with a GIF and wall of text that notifies the chat who was holding the Botato last.

Check it out!

Node, Discord Bot API
November 2017
Designed and implemented a Smart Bot for use by the DevLeague community. The bot accepts a user query, passes the message through a natural language processor (Wit.ai), and displays database information based on the contents of the query. Useable in the browser and Slack!

I taught myself how to use Wit.ai and integrated it with Slack's API through Botkit. I used a similar integration through Node and React in the browser implementation. All of Devvy's knowledge is stored on a Postgres database.

Wit.ai, Botkit, Node, React, Redux, Postgres
November 5th, 2018
Node Knockout is a 48-hour hackathon featuring node.js. It's an online, virtual competition with contestants worldwide.

January 28, 2018
The Global Game Jam® (GGJ) is the world's largest game jam event (game creation) taking place around the world at physical locations. Think of it as a hackathon focused on game development. It is all condensed into a 48 hour development cycle. Within this time frame, my team designed, built, and deployed a game.

January 14, 2018
The AGathon is Hawaii's premier agriculture - tech hackathon. It's purpose is to spark innovation and advancement within the Hawaii agricultural industry through the creativity and talents in Hawaii’s growing startup, technology, and developer community. In under 24 hours, my team built an application to improve food traceability.
Full Stack Development
August 2017 - December 2017
A 900+ hour intensive course on learning the fundamentals of full-stack web development. The course was taught primarily in Javascript. Learned OOP, design patterns, test-driven development, relational and non-relational databases, server and API handling, Angular, React, Redux, and deployment of web apps.
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Master of Science in Education Research
August 2014 - August 2016
Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science
August 2010 - May 2014
Key Skills
Agile Development
API Integration
Responsive Design